Born 1978 @ Cielo Tierra Ranch, Oro Valley AZ
A third generation artist, He studied art at the University of Arizona.
I work in various different styles of art because I get bored easily and I’m addicted to finishing paintings, I produce hundreds of paintings a year because of this thrill!
Selected Exhibitions:
La Cabana, Tucson (currently on exhibit)
MRS Gallery, Tucson 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Dinnerware ArtSpace, Tucson 2007
Davis Dominguez Gallery, Small works invitational 2007
Dinnerware Contemporary Arts, (projects gallery) solo show 2006
Tucson International Airport, Contemporary Painters 2006
Davis Dominguez Gallery, Small works invitational 2006
Tohono Chul Park Gallery "Wish You Were Here" 2006
Tucson-Pima main Library, "In The Moment" (solo show) 2007
Tucson Museum of Art "ready.. set.. D’art" (group show) 2006
Tucson/Pima Arts Council "rural arts" (group show) 2006
Arts District Partnership Gallery (group show) 2006
Tucson Arts District Partnership Gallery (group show) 2006
Tohono Chul park gallery "Dia De Los Muertos" (group show) 2005
Davis Dominguez Gallery “Small works invitational” 2005
Tucson Arts District Partnership Gallery (group show) 2005
Tohono Chul Park/gallery "Virgin of Guadalupe" 2005
Tucson/Pima Arts Council (rural traveling arts show) 2005
Tubac Center of the Arts "Headdresses: Haute to Hot" 2004
Tucson Arts District Partnership Gallery (group show) 2004
Davis Dominguez Gallery “Think Small” (group show) 2004
Dinnerware Contemporary Arts "sound lounge" (group show) 2004
Tucson/Pima Arts Council "Artists of Rural Pima County" 2004
Tohono Chul Gallery "Tucson's Architectural Heritage" 2004
Tucson International Airport, “Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!” 2004
Tucson/Pima Arts Council, "Rural Arts Traveling Exhibit" 2003
"Homage to Father Kino" (traveling exhibit) United States, Mexico, Italy 2003
M.O.C.A. Tucson "no red dots-3" (group show) 2002
Sonoran-Desert Museum (group show) "Flora and Fauna" 2002
Gallery Of Contemporary and Indigenous Art (GOCAIA) “New Exposures" 2001
Selected Reviews:
Tucson Weekly, December 2006 Margaret Regan, “Paper Transformed”
Selected Collections:
Process Museum, Tucson Permanent installation of 1,083 small abstract paintings.
Process Museum, Tucson, collection includes more than 3,000 of my unique works dating from 1996-2025.
Tucson International Airport, Permanent Collection.
Joan Irvine Smith collection, Irvine California.